Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Matters For 29th January 2014

1) Spelling books are to be signed with corrections done

2) Pupils are encouraged to make any contributions(through donations of any amounts) to the less fortunate in a red packet on 4th Feb.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Matters Arising for 28th Jan 2014

Dear parents,

Please be informed that we will be having our annual 'Family Fun Day' and a donation card has been given out to your daughters.We look forward to your support.The 1st collection will be on 17th Feb.If the girls are ready with their cards and cash,they may even want to pass them to me earlier.They are to put the cash in an envelope.I have informed them to pass the collections to me before recess.Thank you.

Card matters:If a 'cupcake' icon is signed on the card,that amount will be the one collected for.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Homework for 27th Jan 2014

1) Spelling books are to be signed and corrections need to be done.

2) Math Unit 1 Topical Worksheets- Pages 5,6 and 7. Girls are complete corrections for previous pages if necessary

Important Notice for PE/HE subjects

Dear parents,

Thank you to some of you who have emailed and highlighted to me on the PE/HE periods matter.I have clarified with the teachers, Ms Lee and Mrs Tan on their arrangements made and they have advised me accordingly. There will be no change in timetable because the teachers have made mutual swaps officially and Mr Edmund Tan is in the know. Do take note of the details as stated below for your perusal.

1) PE attire is required for both PE & HE periods.

2) On Tuesdays, during the double PE-GYM periods,there will be 1 period allocated to HE and 1 period allocated to folk dance. The reason as to why this arrangement is being made is because their gym classes will only be starting in Semester 2.

3) Their HE books are in class.

4) For the other two periods(one stated as HE on Thursday and the other as PE on Friday)will encompass the teaching of sports and games.

Hope this clarifies any of your doubts. Please do let me know if you have any other concerns.Thank you.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

24th January Matters/Homework

1) Math workbook: Pg 41-43 2) Chinese New Year Letter 3) As Chinese New Year is on Friday, we will have next week's spelling brought forward to Wednesday,29th Jan.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Matters Arising for 23rd Jan 2014

Dear parents, I have checked with the bookshop on the sale for HE booklets and SS workbooks.They are available now.If you do need to purchase,you may do so.Thank you. Regards, Ms.Laaven

Monday, January 20, 2014

Matters Arising for 21st January 2014

Pupils have been assigned a locker(Shelf outside our classroom)to place their art bags or any books.This is to help lessen their bag's weight.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Matters Arising for 20th Jan 2014

Pupils are to get their spelling books signed and corrections are to be done (three times per word in green pen)This will be done as a weekly ritual after their spelling on every Friday.Gentle reminder to those who have not brought their SS books during last week's lesson are to do so this week.Thank you.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Items for Packing-Things Children need to bring for PAL lesson 2 (Optional)-22nd January

Dear parents, Please do take note of the things that need to be brought for PAL lesson 2. - Groundsheet - First aid kit - Umbrella/ poncho - Cap - Sunblock lotion for kids - Water bottle - Insect repellent - Clipboard - Ziplock bag - Writing materials Thank you. Regards, Ms.Laaven

Matters Arising for 15th Jan 2014

Dear parents, Please be informed of these following matters for today: 1) A copy of a 'Reading Booklet' has been given to the girls. They are encouraged to read as many books as they can and keep a record of the books read in this booklet.Parents are to initial once they have acknowledged the book read. 2) English (Blue) and Mathematics (Purple) files are to be brought to class which will be kept for further filing purpose of class worksheets and tests(if any) Pls do ensure that dividers are placed in the files. 3) Girls who have not handed in their social studies workbook, HE booklet, music book, art book and FTGP journal will have to hand in so that they can be kept in class to lighten their bags. Please do rest assured that due to some books/materials being out of stock or unavailable at the moment, we do understand this and will give the girls more time to hand in these items once they are available. Thank you so much. Regards, Ms.Laaven

Monday, January 13, 2014

Stationery To Be Brought Everyday

Dear parents, Pls be informed that the girls would need to bring their stationery to school everyday.Items like pencil case including pencils, rulers, erasers, glue and scissors ( not only for Art & Crafts only)and coloured pencils would need to be brought. Thank you so much. Regards, Ms.Laaven

Homework Matters

Dear parents, This is a gentle reminder to the girls that whenever homework is given, they are to only complete the stipulated pages needed. It has come to our attention that for the recent Math worksheets, some girls completed the entire set of worksheets instead of doing pg 2-4. Thank you. Regards, Ms.Laaven

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Meaning of Abbreviations in Time Table

Dear parents, These are the abbreviations in the timetable. 1) EL-English 2) MA-Math 3) P's Time-Principal's Time 4)EL LSP-English Lessons for Learning Support Programme if your daughter is chosen if not she remains in class for EL lesson 5) MTL - Mother Tongue Language 6) CCE- Character and Citizenshio Education 7) PAL - Pupil Active Learning 8) FTGP - Form Teacher Guidance Period 9) PE - Physical Education 10) CL admin - Class Admin Matters' period 11) SS - Social Studies 12) AC - Art and Craft 13) MU- Music 14) CC & VE - Character Citizentry and Values in Education 15) NE & CS - National Education & Community Singing 16) HE - Health Education 17) As- Assembly 18) 'Jesus and I'- During Catechism lessons in CHIJ OLGC ( Friday mornings-will start after CNY) Thank you so much. Regards, Ms.Laaven

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Things to Bring

Dear parents, Pls be informed that your girls would need to bring in or purchase these things if she has not done so. a)FTGP Journal Book b)Green Pen (To do corrections for English and Math) c)Math Test Book d)Language Usage Worksheets Booklet 1 Thank you so much! Regards, Ms.Laaven