Monday, October 13, 2014

13th Oct 2014 Matters

Dear parents,

These are the homework details for the next 4 days.

1) Math Workbook:

(i)Pages 187 - 192
(ii)Pages 197-204

2) Spelling Book:

Pupils are to do all corrections and parents are to sign

3) English Unit 18 - Additional Vocabulary Worksheets

4) Filing in of all EL worksheets/compositions and Math worksheets with corrections done

5) The EL writing proficiency test will be in week 7. Pupils are to strictly adhere to the following:

(i) at least 60 words
(ii) 4 paragraphs

Content(C) component will constitute 5 marks and language(L) component will constitute 5 marks.Total will be 10 marks.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

8th Oct Matters

1) Spelling List - Parents are to take note of the error in the spelling list. Week 5's spelling is pushed to week 6 as PSLE marking is on week 5 and not week 6